VarGroup Info
Variable Group Information
WRAP | Release 5
ETSRQ (Entering Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire) 22
ETSRQ autonomous missing
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the autonomous self-control score. Measured at baseline.
ETSRQ autonomous score
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: autonomous regulation score. Mean of items etsrq_a_important_bl etsrq_a_changes_bl etsrq_b_help_self_bl etsrq_c_things_hard_bl etsrq_d_help_solve_bl etsrq_d_succeed_blesrq_health_important . Measured at baseline.
ETSRQ make changes
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I really want to make some changes in my life. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ important to me
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: It feels important to me personally to be thinner. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ like myself
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I won't like myself very much until I lose weight. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ others like me better
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: People will like me better when I'm thin. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ failure
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I'll feel like a failure if I don't. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ feel bad
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I'll feel very bad about myself if I don't. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ help self
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I feel like it's the best way to help myself. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ others angry
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: Others will be angry at me if I don't. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ weak person
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: People will think I'm a weak person if I don't. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ controlled missing
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: number of missing items from the controlled self-control score. Measured at baseline.
ETSRQ controlled score
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: controlled regulation score. Mean of items etsrq_a_like_self_bl etsrq_a_people_like_bl etsrq_b_failure_bl etsrq_b_weak_bl etsrq_b_feel_bad_bl etsrq_b_others_angry_bl etsrq_c_ashamed_bl etsrq_c_hate_self_bl etsrq_c_friends_family_bl etsrq_d_trouble_bl etsrq_d_guilty_bl etsrq_d_others_see_bl. Measured at baseline.
ETSRQ ashamed of self
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I'll be ashamed of myself if I don't. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ family friends
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: My friends/family don't like the way I look. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ hate self
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I'll hate myself if I can't get my weight under control. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ hard to do things
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: Being overweight makes it hard to do many things. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ feel guilty
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I'll feel guilty if I don't comply with all the procedures. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ solve probklems
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I believe they will help me solve my problem. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ others see
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I want others to see that I am really trying to lose weight. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ success important
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: It's important to me that my efforts succeed. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true
ETSRQ get in trouble
Entering treatment self-regulation questionnaire: I am worried that I will get in trouble with the staff if I don't follow all the guidelines. Measured at baseline. Range: 1 = Not as all true to 7 = Very true